Course Language:
Course Objectives:
The main purpose of this course is to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct empirical research in the field of education. The student learns practically all the stages in the research process (writing a research question, searching the literature, creating a theoretical framework, choosing a sample, determining the appropriate data analysis method, collecting data and interpreting the findings) in a research proposal that he/she designed.
Course Content:
Basic information on the nature of the scientific research process, research approaches in education, creating research problems, literature review, hypothesis generation, research models, data collection, data interpretation, and transforming the research into a report.
Course Methodology:
1. Lecture 2. Case Study 3. Problem Solving 4. Discussion 5. Video 6. Group work
Course Evaluation Methods:
1. Written exam 2. Multiple choice 3. Filling in the blanks 4. True & False 5. Oral exam 6. Portfolio