• TR
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All studies conducted within Yeditepe University (YU) and / or conducted by YU staff / students that require information gathering from human participants are subject to the examination of the YU Human and Social Research Ethics Committee. After completing this application form, an application should be made to the Human and Social Research Ethics Committee of the University along with other required documents. Studies should be actively initiated after the approval of the Ethics Committee.

If the research of our Master's and Doctorate students in the thesis stage includes data collection, they must obtain research approval from the Yeditepe University Ethics Committee's approval. After completing the Ethics Committee Application Form, you can make your application by scanning the form and sending it to the Ethics Committee Presidency via e-mail. Fill in the application form by hand on paper. As a result of the evaluation, you must add the Ethics Committee permission to the end of your thesis. 

You can use our University's Thesis Writing Guide while writing your thesis. Click to download the sample thesis Word file of our institute. You can edit the cover page according to the program you are registered in.

Click for Thesis CD Cover sample.


(English Thesis Writing Guide  - PDF / WORD) - (Turkish Thesis Writing Guide - PDF / WORD)