• TR
  • EN

Our Aims:

oHelping PhD. candidates gain expertise in the field of foreign language teaching, and to help them gain enough knowledge on conducting research to contribute to the field.

oTo train instructors for universities.


About Program:

o8 semesters of education (maximum 12 semesters)  (For Integrated PhD: 10-14 semesters)

o24 credits (8 courses) + seminar + dissertation  (Integrated PhD: 45 credits + seminar + thesis)

oProcess; courses + qualifying exam + thesis proposal + thesis progress meetings + thesis defense


Conditions of Acceptance:

  • Being a graduate of an English Language Teaching program / having a YÖK-equivalent MA certificate (English Language Education) from a national or international institution.
  • The applicants should be working as English teachers, or should have signed a contract to work within an institution (as an EFL teacher) in the next academic year (documents will be required during interview). 
  • MA GPA: 3.00 /4.00
  • The applicants should get a passing grade on the written/oral exam on English Language Teaching.
  • To get at least 60 points EA (Equally-weighted) from ALES exam.
  • Turkish applicants: A report on having at least 80 points from YDS/ YÖKDİL exam (This report will be required regardless of the language the student had finished his/her BA in).
  • For international students: TOEFL (PBT) score of 550 + TWE 4.5; TOEFL CBT (213 + TWE 4.5); TOEFL IBT (79 + TWE 24) (In the last 2 years)

During Online Application, the reference letter (2 letters) and the statement of purpose letter are required to be uploaded. The applicants who hasn't uploaded these files can bring them on the day of the written exam.

For our reading list: https://ebe.yeditepe.edu.tr/tr/ingiliz-dili-egitimi-doktora-programi/duy...