Course Language:
Course Objectives:
This course is designed to provide students with an introduction to fundamental concepts and principles of second/foreign language testing both in theory and practice.
Course Content:
Theoretical: the students are expected to have a sound knowledge of: test functions and references, item characteristics, test characteristics, assessing language skills and components, construct relevant and irrelevant factors influencing language assessment
Practical: students are expected to have abilities to: design a test, plan, write, assemble, administer, score, and interpret test scores,
make a decision on test use, evaluate a test, critique, cooperate and collaborate
Course Methodology:
Teaching Methods: 1: Lecture, 2: Discussion, 3: Simulation, 4: Demonstration, 5: Problem solving, 6: Group work, 7: Drama, 8: Micro teaching
Course Evaluation Methods:
A: Exam, B: Multiple choice, C: Gap filling, D: True false, E: Oral exam, F: Portfolio G: Presentation H: Project