Under the title of Graduate School of Educational Sciences, as of Fall 2020, Interdisciplinary Studies on "Disabilities" with the ISD 601 course code has been opened as a Free Elective course that can be selected by all Institutes throughout the University.
Course content: Interdisciplinary work on disability in a global context; definition of disability and related concepts; spectrum of disability; disability as diversity; historical perspective; the effects of disability, physical and social barriers on the social posture, learning, quality of life, health and general well-being of individuals with disabilities; National and International disability laws, related policies and procedures; disability theories and studies; culture-communication-art and intersecting identities; educational philosophies; Inclusive approaches and practices such as Universal Design for Life and Learning (UDLL); ethical professional practice; the roles and responsibilities of individuals in society as an advocate / change agent; independent living, employment and higher education opportunities; Technological developments such as Instructional Technology (IT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Assistive Technologies (AT); planning, implementing and evaluating inclusive and innovative practice and research.
Dersin Adı:
Disiplinlerarası “Engelilik” Calışmaları |
Dersin İngilizce Adı:
Interdisciplinary Studies on “Disabilities” |
Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü |
Ders Kodu:
ISD 601 |
Kredi Dağılımı ve AKTS: | (*3, **0, ***0), ****3,*****15 |
Önkoşul(lar): | - |
Denk Dersler | - |
Ders Tipi: | ☐Zorunlu Ders ☒Seçmeli Ders ☐ Kredisiz |
Ders Seviyesi: |
☐Lisans ☐Yüksek Lisans x Doktora
Ders İçeriği (Türkçe) |
Küresel bağlamda engellilik üzerine disiplinlerarası çalışması; engelliliğin tanımı ve ilgili kavramlar; engellilik spektrumu; çeşitlilik olarak engellilik; tarihsel bakış; engellilik, fiziksel ve sosyal bariyerlerin engelli bireylerin toplumsal duruş, öğrenme, yaşam kalitesi, sağlık ve genel refahı üzerindeki etkileri; Ulusal ve Uluslararası engellilik yasaları, ilgili politika ve prosedürler; engellilik teorileri ve çalışmaları; kültür-iletişim-sanat ve kesişen kimlikler; eğitim felsefeleri; Yaşam ve Öğrenme için Evrensel Tasarım (UDLL) gibi kapsayıcı yaklasim ve uygulamalar; etik mesleki uygulamalar; savunucu / değişiklik etkeni olarak toplumda bireylerin rol ve sorumluluklari; bağımsız yaşam, istihdam ve yukseköğretim olanaklari; Öğretim Teknolojisi (BT), Yapay Zeka (AI) ve Yardımcı Teknolojiler (AT) gibi teknoloji alaninda gelişmeler; kapsayici ve yenilikçi uygulama ve araştırmaların planlanması, uygulanması ve değerlendirilmesi. |
Ders İçeriği (İngilizce) |
Interdisciplinary study of disabilities in the global context; definition of disabilities and related concepts; spectrum of disabilities; disability as diversity; historical overview; impacts of disabilities, physical and social barriers on the societal standing, learning, quality of life, health and overall wellbeing of individuals with disabilities; National and International disability laws, and policy and procedures; theories and studies of disabilities; culture-communication-arts and intersecting identities ; educational philosophies, approaches and inclusive practices such as Universal Design for Living and Learning (UDLL); ethical and inclusive professional practices; roles and responsibilities as advocates/change agents; independent living, employment and postsecondary education; related developments in technology such as Instructional Technology (IT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Assistive Technologies (AT); and planning, implementing and evaluating inclusive and innovative practices and research. |
*T : Haftalık Teorik Ders Saati
**U : Haftalık Uygulamalı Ders Saati
***L :Haftalık Laboratuvar Saati
****K : Dersin kredisi
*****A: AKTS