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Elective List

Ders Dönemi: Güz
Course Code Course Name Course Type
EPÖ 501 The Foundations of Curriculum Development in Education Seçmeli
EPÖ 503 Learning and Teaching Processes Seçmeli
EPÖ 502 Curriculum Development Practices Seçmeli
EPÖ 514 Curriculum Evaluation Seçmeli
PCG 521 Recent Topics in Vocational and Career Counseling Seçmeli
PCG 516 Guidance and Counseling in Schools Seçmeli
EDGN 529 Educational Statistics and Applications Seçmeli
EYD 513 Organizational Behavior Seçmeli
INTE 512 Digital Literacies and Education Seçmeli
INTE 506 Educational Interface Development in Multimedia Seçmeli
INTE 508 Social Media Management in Education Seçmeli
INTE 510 Communication Theories and Media Education Seçmeli
INTE 513 Educational Game Design and Development Seçmeli
INTE 530 Learning Management Systems Seçmeli
EPÖ 504 STEAM Curriculum Development Seçmeli
EYD 505 Organizational Structures of the National Turkish Educational System Seçmeli
EYD 509 Human Resources Management in Education Seçmeli
PCG 526 Trauma Informed Schools Seçmeli
EPÖ 528 Innovative Approaches to Instruction Seçmeli
EPÖ 529 Comparative Education Seçmeli
EYD 503 Developing School Culture Seçmeli
Ders Dönemi: Bahar
Course Code Course Name Course Type
INTE 520 E-Learning Design and Development Seçmeli

Ders Yılı: 2

Ders Dönemi: Bahar
Course Code Course Name Course Type
EPÖ 511 Active Learning Seçmeli
EYD 575 Devolopment and Implementation of Educational Programs Seçmeli
INTE 501 Instructional Technologies and Design Seçmeli
EPÖ 510 Curriculum and Practices Seçmeli